Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Helpful opinions

Today in class we had a very productive time. Instead of normal class, which we have been working on our project, we met in groups and gave critiques to our fellow classmates. During this many things were brought to my attention: for example, I need to elaborate more on my blog, I was given ideas on how to condense the opening to a shorter time, other prop ideas we can use ( Knifes,syringes, and jars). On another note, from all of my group members I got lots of positive feedback, which really helped my confidence level. Now I feel stronger going into the filming process. With several people supporting my ideas, putting my film out there isn’t nearly as scary. Also another thing I noticed, viewing other classmates blogs I noticed that I need to step up my game a little. Many of their blogs were very colorful and creative, while mine is kinda boring. I need to go back and add some pictures and elaborate on my previous blogs.

After meeting in group , Eliie and I decided that we are going to film this weekend. Seeing the due date creeping up on us was getting us nervous, considering we are expecting some sort of obstacle. Also before we film we need to go out and get the props, so we are going to go sometime before we film. We just need to make sure everything is in out price range (no more than $20 each). Making everything look real with this budget will be hard, but we will make it work one way or another. We are going to use old jars, knifes, and fake blood that we had previously. One thing that we never discussed was the target audience. For our film we are aiming to reach the ages of men( mostly) and woman ages 15-30. This is because before the age of 15 this horror may not be appropriate and after the age of 30, many adults would nor prefer this genre. When choosing this I used http://www.filmmakingstuff.com/define-your-movies-target-audience/ to steer me in the right direction. I considered age/genre/ethnicity, nationality, class/status,employment, marital status, and the media used when deciding. With all of this into account I believe that I hit the correct target audience.

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