Sunday, March 26, 2017

Finally filming

The time has come! Ellie and I filmed today. Let me tell you it wasn’t as easy as we thought. First we had to clean out the room we filmed in, and trust me that took a while. Man was that room messy! After that task we had to layout all of the props strategically. This was more of a trial and error kind of thing. We placed everything and moved them around maybe 30 times to get the right feel. Of course this it was hard to convey a “layer’ kinda place in a bed room, but we really made our best effort. I believe we did a good job. For the psychopath character we used my Dad, Barry Zuckerman. We dressed him in clothes we thought conveyed the creepiness of his character and this situation. With lots of emphasis on his creepy shoes mostly because we plan on focusing a lot on them during the opening.

We started filming and immediately realized we couldn’t solely go off our story board, it was just not working. The angles and lighting all had to be tested, so we have a crazy amount of clips. I would say we had the most trouble trying not too get Barry’s face in the clips. We had to adjust many angles for this, though we do believe  that not showing his face calls for a better mystery. We did use a lot of close ups to show the emotions and complexity of the scene. This is vital in a scene like this because nothing else is really going on. We still haven’t done the voice over, but we decided to save the follies and newscast for later. Our first priority today was getting the filming done.

Our title, “Five” is hinted at at the begging and even written out at the end. We plan on using an iris opening inferring that Ellie is number 5. It’s supposed to be symbolic! Also in one of the last scenes it is written on the mirror as a credit. Another one of our credits says “AE films” and it stands for Alexa Ellie films ( very original, I know :) ) All in all we had a fantastic time filming and made some funny memories. Bloopers soon to come.

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