They all really liked the concept and thought everything looked more realistic than they thought it would be. Some things they pointed out to us was the color. They believed the color was to bright for a scary movie, and they were so right. The bright lights contrasted everything we were trying to prove in the opening. It completely slipped both of our minds, but that little changed made the opening so much better. Also the scene where we zoom out of the number 5 paper on the wall they believed was to fast. More emphasis was needed there.So to fix this we put a time lag to slow it down. This scene being slower really did allow the viewer to think and make that connection between Annie and the poster number 5.
Other than these two things they believed that it was really good, but they want to see it with the sound. Sound really does give the scene a whole other dimension and is vital to the opening, but we agreed to do it at someones house this weekend so are in a quiet environment where we can make the voiceovers/folleys the best. We will show the next class after everything is finished ( hopefully)!
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